Be ready when disaster strikes.

It’s not about the technology, it’s about keeping your business running.

When your server crashes, you get hit with a computer virus or you experience a power outage, keeping your business up and running with minimal data loss and customer frustration is paramount.


Consider this:

25% of PCs will fail this year. (Gartner Group)

24% of companies said they experienced a full data disaster. (Forrester Research Group)

70% of small businesses to experience a major data loss go out of business within a year. (PricewaterhouseCooper)

A business continuity solution is the answer. It’s more than backup alone can offer. And it’s more cost effective and easier to manage than you may think.

“What do I say about technological miracle worker wizards (and wizardesses . . is that a word?)? From getting the laptops up and running quickly, helping me get one replaced that was a dud SO FAST it made my head spin, giving my super spoiled employees two monitors to work from, getting our printers remotely printing, our FAX machine # so it came to an email. Wow . . . so much. As a business owner I so appreciate it when you thought of things I didn’t and saved us a ton of grief I’m sure. You reduced my stress, I knew it was all just going to work out. It was such a huge transition and there were so many moving parts. But it was MYTHOS who kept those moving parts working seamlessly. You have my undying gratitude. ”

Heidi D.


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